Python Mastery: learn and master the dynamics
This course introduces Python programming, covering core concepts like data structures, conditional statements, loops, variables, and functions, along with practical tools for coding. It emphasizes hands-on exercises involving data structures and file operations, enabling students to develop a strong foundation. By program completion, students will proficiently use Python for console, desktop, and web applications, adhering to best practices such as version control and unit testing. The course also explores Python 3's rich standard library, offering extensive support for various programming tasks.
2 Months
Learning Options:
Course Fee
₦200,000 ₦140,000
Solid Computing Knowledge
Next Start Date
- PCEP:Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
- PCAP:Certified Associate in Python Programming
- PCPP-32-1:Certified Professional in Python Programming 1
- PCPP-32-2:Certified Professional in Python Programming 2
Course Outline
Introduction & Environment Setup
Basics e.g. Data Types, Variables, Operators etc.
Basics e.g. Functions, Loops, Conditional Statements, Python OOP
Building Console Apps
Python & Tkinter (GUI Framework)
Tkinter GUI Introduction
Tkinter Basics e.g. Syntax, Widgets, Attributes etc.
Building GUI App with Tkinter & Python
Installation & Usage on Operating Systems
Python & Django (Web App Framework)
Django Introduction
Django Basics
Web Development with Django
Django Web Project
Publishing the Web Application to a Live Server